Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Weight Increase Risk of Osteoarthritis

The development of osteoarthritis increases due to several factors, health experts say, and weight is one of the factors determined by health studies. It is imperative to maintain an ideal body weight because the weight of a person increases the escalates of having osteoarthritis, according to the University of Washington Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. It is also possible that people who are heavy may have more health problems. The additional weight may also lead to less physical activity and exercise which may worsen the joint problem.

As early as 40 years old, men and women may already develop symptoms but it is more prominent and common among elderly men and women. The knee and hip joints are the weight bearing joints support the whole weight of the body. The joints are under more pressure if the person is obese or overweight, especially when it is being used. Because the hip carries most of the weight of the body, the stress in the hip joints is amplified when the individual is performing high impact activities. The progression of the joint problem is also caused by the extra weight. The protective layer covering the joints is lost because of the constant pressure applied to the joint.

Walking, standing or twisting often makes the pain worse. If left untreated, the osteoarthritis will not only bring pain but also joint stiffening and deformity. The stiffening of the joint may cause immobility and more pain. Hence, health care providers advise patients to lose weight if they are still able to before the disease progresses to a more serious problem as the pain and stiffness might prevent the individual from exercising.

Osteoarthritis remains to be incurable but there are several treatments that might help delay the progression of the disease. Men and women who have a family history of arthritis may need to be mindful of their weight as those who have family members with arthritis tend to have higher risk of developing this problem. Avoiding trauma to the joints while maintaining an ideal body weight may reduce the chances of having problems with the joints. If regular treatments do not help in lessening the symptoms, the patient may decide to go through a hip replacement surgery. The http://www.hiprecallnewscenter.com may be able to provide the necessary information.

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